Saturday, July 13, 2019

Classifications of fire and Extinguisher

Generally fire can be classified in four major types which are Type : A, B, C, D, Electrical and F fire.

Class A fires – flammable solid materials, such as wood, papers, plastics etc.
Class B fires – flammable liquids for example petrol, Diesel, or other flammable liquide
Class C fires – flammable gases like methane or hydrogen
Class D fires – flammable chemicals such as aluminum or potassium
Electrical fires – electrical equipments like generator or computers or electric polls and live electric wires
Class F fires – cooking oils mostly uses in restaurants

Every fire have their different extinguishing method. For Example there is a fire of C class we cannot use the water or Co2 extinguisher, sameway if there is a fire in flammable liquid i.e., petrol, diesel etc we cannot use water extinguisher or wet chemicals extinguisher.

Here you can find in below image that for which type of fire what type of fire extingusher we can use...

Here is how to use fire extinguisher your step by step guid > How to use Fire Extinguisher Step-by-Step

Friday, July 12, 2019

Use Fire Extinguisher Properly: Step by Step

To use a fire extinguisher it's required to follow 4 easy steps, It's PASS:

Pull the pin: every fire extinguisher has a safety pin to prevent accidental discharge. Safety pin tied with the fire extinguisher. fire extinguisher cannot discharge until this pin is removed. So, the first step is to pull the pin out of the extinguisher.
By removing the pin fire extinguisher is ready to use.

Aim the hose at the base of the fire: After removing the safety pin you have to aim it's hose at the base of the fire because the fire can extinguish properly if the media discharged on the base of the fire not on the flames of the fire. It will be useless if the extinguishing media discharges on flames because it will passes over the burning content and you have to keep safe distance while extinguishing a fire.

Squeeze the handle: once you are aiming the base of the fire, squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to extinguish burning content.

Sweep side by side: After squeezing the handle you have to properly move the hose side by side so that the burning content extinguish properly from all aound.

You will find the helpful safety tips on my blog. Thank you.